A framework for analysing differences between public-sector and other-sector projects
Project management, public sector, dimensional model, inter-sectorial differencesAbstract
Objectives: The purpose of this paper is to create a model of public-sector and other-sector projects.
Research Design & Methods: An extensive review of literature was performed. The snowball approach was applied for collecting relevant papers. Models of differences between public-sector organisations and other organisations were chosen as the reference models for building a model for project level.
Findings: There are differences between managerial processes between public-sector and other-sector projects in all project management areas (integration management, scope management, cost management, schedule management, quality management, hr management, communications management, risk management, procurement management, and stakeholder management). Hence the most adequate model for explaining these differences is the dimensional model.
Implications / Recommendations: Project managers will be able to better align their managerial methods to the sector in which project are implemented. For instance, in public-sector projects in the area of HR management motivation should be more focused on non-financial factors.
Contribution / Value Added: The proposed model is the first, original, comprehensive model describing the differences between public-sector and other-sector projects.
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