The barriers to co-operation in the food safety system in Poland


  • Dorota Jendza University of Gdańsk
  • Piotr Wróbel University of Gdańsk



inter-organisational ties, public management, food safety


Objectives: The official food safety system in Poland is divided between a number of specialised inspection bodies. The effective implementation of the entire inspection and supervision process requires multi-direction co-operation. The aim of the study presented was the identification of the barriers to and boundaries of the inter-organisational cooperation between the inspection bodies involved in the official food safety process.

Research Design & Methods: Qualitative research methods: analysis of organisational documentation, industry reports, post-audit reports and in-depth interviews with employees of five inspection bodies.

Findings: The co-operation between the inspection bodies should be multi-threaded and multi-lateral. In fact, the mechanisms that encourage co-operation are relatively weak and there are numerous barriers between them. The lack of the inter-organisational co-operation is caused by various factors: cultural, social, political, legal, and organisational norms and values. The key source of the barriers is the fragmentary perception of the food safety supervision process by employees, which results from the lack of a systematic approach to this process. The employees of the inspection bodies perceive the remaining inspections as external entities and not co-workers taking part in a common process aimed at common good.

Implications/Recommendations: This article suggests some policy implications. The evolutionary solutions may include measures to eliminate the differences between inter-organisational co-operation postulated in legal regulations and real practices. The revolutionary activities may consist of building a comprehensive system of official food safety which will lead to consistent supervision over the entire food chain, and not only over the individual stages thereof. The construction of such a system may require changes in the number and the scope of tasks of the existing inspections.

Contribution/Value Added: The inter-organisational co-operation problems as part of the official food safety process are not specific to only the system in Poland: similar difficulties are found in many countries. Therefore these research findings have potentially wide application.


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Author Biographies

  • Dorota Jendza, University of Gdańsk

    Faculty of Management
    ul. Armii Krajowej 101

  • Piotr Wróbel, University of Gdańsk

    Faculty of Management
    University of Gdańsk
    ul. Armii Krajowej 101, Sopot


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How to Cite

Jendza, D., & Wróbel, P. (2019). The barriers to co-operation in the food safety system in Poland. Journal of Public Governance, 48(2), 45-57.