Patent Races and Institutional Solutions of Health Care Policy in Developed Countries


  • Bartłomiej Biga Cracow University of Economics



health care policy, patent, intellectual property, innovation, pharmacy


Objectives: To identify the methods of the state’s influence on health care system through intellectual property law mechanisms.

Research Design & Methods: Literature review based on the economic analysis of law.

F indings: An active role of the state in innovations in the pharmaceutical branch could bring benefits in the health care system. This role does not have to be limited to being a shareholder in selected projects (as a capital supplier).

Implications / Recommendations: The state is able to influence the speed, the structure, and the direction of patent races b y setting a real width of the patent (court verdicts) and patent height (patent office’s decisions) as well as the manner and the scale of compulsory licences usage.

Contribution / Value Added: Making changes in the speed, the structure, and the direction of patent races has got a strong impact on health policy. Appropriate influencing of the state on innovation activity in the pharmaceutical branch allows one to generate large benefits in the health care system.


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Author Biography

  • Bartłomiej Biga, Cracow University of Economics

    ul. Rakowicka 27
    31-510 Kraków


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How to Cite

Biga, B. (2020). Patent Races and Institutional Solutions of Health Care Policy in Developed Countries. Journal of Public Governance, 50(4), 15-22.