Sleep Disorders as a Safety Issue in Transport and Communication Largely Not Appraised by National Health Policies
health policy, sleep disorders, drowsy driving, road safety, economic consequences of road traffic accidentsAbstract
The objective of this article is to present the issue of sleepiness, sleep disorders, and their impact on traffic safety in Poland. The paper reviews published studies and data concerning the causes of driver fatigue and the scale of the sleep-related road accident problem.
Research Design & Methods:
This paper uses an extensive analysis and study of literature, classification, and scientific description.
Road traffic accidents represent a huge public health concern, which needs to be tackled by a multi-disciplinary approach. Related deaths and disabilities have social and financial consequences, and are a real public health challenge. Sleep disorders have a tangible and empirically-proven effect on road safety. Effective identification, organised response, and therapy of this type of disorders should be implemented.
The realisation of healthcare needs and services provided by the state can only be obtained under conditions of properly organised and operationally-effective economic, political, and social systems. A proper understanding of mechanisms and factors responsible for hazardous road behaviour may be of practical use for many actors involved, including public services, the healthcare sector, road safety services, road and vehicle engineers, and the financial sector, primarily insurance companies.
Contribution/Value Added:
As a result of the analysis, the synthesis of the theoretical findings on the road safety was presented. The certain consequences for national health policies were mentioned. This paper may serve as a basis for establishing subsequent empirical studies.
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