Negotiations within Firm-Idea


  • Andrzej Kozina Department of Public Administration Cracow University of Economics ul. Rakowicka 27 37-510 Kraków



(business) negotiations, Firm-Idea company, idea-negotiations


In a Firm-Idea company, a specific institutional model of organisation and performance, and all kinds of processes, including negotiations, are conducted differently than in a traditional company. Therefore, the objective of the paper is to characterise negotiation processes pursued in Firm-Idea companies through a comparative analysis of the literature and the author’s original ideas. Specific features of idea-negotiations are distinguished based on typical, general concepts of negotiations. Their three substantial dimensions are described, i.e. values, relations and cooperation. In effect, the paper offers a comprehensive description of negotiations viewed as an efficient tool useful in different types of processes in Firm-Idea companies.


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How to Cite

Kozina, A. (2018). Negotiations within Firm-Idea. Journal of Public Governance, 42(4), 53-62.