Enjoying Water in a Fragmented City: The Rhine–Herne Canal as a Mirror of a Changing Society
Rhine–Herne Cannal, water, swimming, social polarisation, de-industrialisationAbstract
Objectives: This article aims at increasing the knowledge on how cities are changing by processes of post-industrialism.
Research Design & Methods: The article reviews the historical process of the use of water in the Rhine–Herne canal and the surrounding city of Gelsenkirchen.
Findings: The article shows that the canal has regained significance to people. However, depending on the social status, the canal means something different now. For the urban poor, it is again a place for refreshment and free swimming. For the middle class, it is a popular spot for dining out and acquiring a sense of maritime atmosphere.
Implications / Recommendations: Water in post-industrialism requires a socially differentiated understanding.
Contribution / Value Added: The article contributes to a critical review on contemporary urban planning policies regarding water.
Article classification: theoretical article (conceptual article)
JEL classification: O29, Z13
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